Main Index

3. Caves
4. City of Vilcabamba
5. The Lost Valley
6. Tomb of Qualopec
7. Natla's Office
8. St Francis's Folly
9. Colosseum
10. Palace Midas
11. The Cistern

Lara stands on top of a lift at the office block of Natla technologies.

Natla's office is located high up, but Lara has a plan to get up there quickly. She burns through the cable with a blowtorch... is propelled upwards by the counterweight.

At just the right moment Lara releases the cable and arcs through the air... glide safely to a gentle landing on the roof.

After a quick search...

...she finds something of interest.

A leather bound book containing information on the Scion. Another piece can be found with Tihocan, one of the 3 rulers of Atlantis. It is hidden beneath St Francis monestary.

Lara sets off for the monastery. She finds it high on a mountain.

Outside she finds traces of a camp fire. It seems someone else is on this trail.
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