Main Index

1. A Proposal
2. Mountains of Peru
3. Caves
4. City of Vilcabamba
5. The Lost Valley
6. Tomb of Qualopec
7. Natla's Office
8. St Francis's Folly
9. Colosseum

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Lara runs through a tunnel and emerges to the sound of running water. The river seems to be moving. There is a path leading up river, but she decides to head down river.
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She encounters a waterfall and a pool of water. A great spot for a bit of diving. The sound of dogs again, time for the trusty pistols. Lara descends and enters a cave on the right only to emerge...
Click to enlarge a strange valley. It's very foreboding.
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Sure enough 2 raptors attack, it takes a few shots to kill them, but Lara uses the safety of higher rocks.
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The valley is long with lots of corners to explore. Lara finds a broken bridge above and wonders what could have caused the breakage. The ground begins to shake..
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...and her fears are answered. A T-Rex appears looking for an easy meal. Lara decides this will not be her. Luckily the T-Rex is too big to fit into a nearby cave, she is able to take refuge there.
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Lara finds a ruins in the valley, inside is a cog. She picks it up and puts it in her rucksack, there must be a use for it somewhere.
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Lara notices the roof of the ruins and tries to find a way to the top. Around the edge of the valley some rocks stick out and she is able to climb up this way.
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A broken bridge seen earlier from below. It's a difficult jump but Lara is able to do it. On the other side she finds another cog.
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Lara takes all 3 cogs she found back up river. The path is winding but eventually she finds this mechanism. Lara places the cogs onto the axis and operates the switch. They turn and cause...
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... a gate to open and the course of the river is diverted.
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Lara discovers a passage behind the waterfall, she jumps across the water into the gap and enters the tomb of Qualopec.
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