Main Index

4. City of Vilcabamba
5. The Lost Valley
6. Tomb of Qualopec
7. Natla's Office
8. St Francis's Folly
9. Colosseum
10. Palace Midas
11. The Cistern
12. Tomb of Tihocan

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Inside the monestary all seems calm. Lara notices the columns on either side and gets ready to explore. Lions rush forward but Lara is able to fend them off.
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These blocks are used to get up here, but Lara has to go the long way round to do it.
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She enters the switch room at the far end of the monestary, 2 gorillas charge. She deals with them and uses the switch to open the door back on the balcony.
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Through the door on the balcony, along a short corridor, she stops to look at this slope. There's no coming back up once she starts down.
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At the bottom there is a crocodile waiting. Luckily Lara is able to climb out of the water to safety. She takes care of the croc , drains the water and continues on.
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The centre room is high, there are balconies all round and a climbable platform in the middle. Lara has to fend off several bats as she tries to find the switches that open the 4 doors of the gods.
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Through the door marked Atlas, Lara must avoid rolling rocks to survive. Up this slope lies the first key.
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Thor, to get his key Lara must first avoid the bolts of electricity surging from the metal orb...
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...then dodging his mighty hammer to climb high and claim the second key
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The room of Damocles. High above on the ceiling great swords hang down. As Lara passes near they fall. She must tread carefully or risk losing that ponytail.
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Neptune. This hole is deep and requires a long swim. At the bottom lurks the last of the 4 keys.
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At the bottom of the centre room lies the exit. Lara uses the 4 keys to drawback the 4 bolts which bar the door, then she goes through.
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